Were you in a car accdient?
We offer same day appointments.
We are easy to find and we're open 5 days per week.
Cordima Chiropractic Center – Experienced Back Pain & Accident Injury Physicians If you have been injured as a result of a Personal Injury Accident, Auto Accident, Car Crash, Slip or Fall, we can help. Call Dr. Cordima now for answers to your Accident Injury questions and to schedule you for a free consultation.
With over 30 years of experience treating Accident Injuries, we know how to help you.
Injuries can occur from many types of accidents including:
See a Doctor immediately or lose $8,000 in PIP Benefits
Massachusetts PIP law provides you with $8,000 of coverage for medical expenses if you have been injured in an accident (even if you are at fault), however, if you don't see a doctor in a timely fashion after your accident you may lose your benefits. Our accident injury doctors will provide you with the best treatment for your injuries and we will help you file all the necessary paperwork to protect the benefits you are entitled to.
Did you know that most Auto Accident Insurance Insurance will cover 100% of the cost of care? Our Insurance Department will be glad to coordinate benefits with the responsible party’s insurance carrier or your attorney. This allows us to treat most injuries with No Out Of Pocket Expense.
Additionally, you do not need health insurance to get immediate treatment. Under Massachusetts law, drivers must carry personal injury protection (PIP) insurance which covers your medical treatment if you’ve been involved in an auto accident even if you were at fault.
All auto insurance in Massachusetts covers chiropractic care for injuries due to a car accident. Cordima Chiropractic Center is an insurance provider of chiropractic services.
No Medical referral is necessary.
No Pre-Approval is necessary.
Medical treatment benefits are available, even if you’re at fault.
Treatment is usually covered at 100%.
Drivers & Passengers have coverage
Includes Uber, Lyft and all Taxicabs
(some exclusions may apply; ie. work injury, no permission to drive, OUI)
If you’ve been involved in a recent car accident chances are that you may have been injured. Pain after an accident can occur instantly or could even take weeks to reveal itself. Timely treatment following any injury is paramount to regaining your health and returning to your pre-injury status.
The lack of treatment, poor or improper treatment may mean that it will take longer to correct, be more difficult to treat, cost more money and ultimately cause you to suffer longer.