Chiropractic care helps neck pain by ensuring the entire spine is in proper alignment. When the spine is aligned, the nerves are no longer pinched, herniated discs can heal, and the spine is better stabilized. Neck pain relief often occurs within just a few spinal adjustments. Best of all, no drugs or surgery are required. Dr.Christopher Cordima performs a thorough spinal evaluation, utilizing X-rays, state-of-the-art technology, and specialized chiropractic evaluation techniques to get a complete look not only at your neck but your entire spine and nerve network. Dr.Cordima will create a customized treatment plan for your neck pain, including the best chiropractic care principles such as gentle physical exercise, therapeutic massage, laser therapy, decompression, etc. These techniques provide quick relief for your neck pain and discomfort. If you are experiencing neck pain, whether it is acute or chronic, it is important to seek out a neck pain relief service that addresses the underlying cause of the condition. Our goal is not to just treat the symptoms of pain, but to resort function by treating the underlying cause of it.
Pinched Nerve Physician Somerville