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Quiz about chiropractic Somerville MA

Chiropractor in Somerville, MAThere are always facts about every profession that the public is not aware of; ones we’ll call ‘myths’. Test your knowledge on the two below, and see how well you score.

True or False? 1. A chiropractor receives training on manipulation for two weeks.

True or False? 2. The chiropractor’s manipulation is safe for pregnant women, those who have been injured on the job and in a car accident, and children.

Quiz Answers On Your Chiropractor

False. It’s funny that some people still think that a chiropractor learns how to manipulate all the joints in the body in two weeks – and is proficient in the art of chiropractic manipulation in that time!

Your chiropractor, Dr. Cordima and his associate chiropractor, Dr. Doricent both were admitted into chiropractor school, an entire curriculum that was a five-year program with an internship. During the internship, both of the newly trained and highly skilled chiropractors saw patients daily for an entire year, sometimes 10 patients in a day!

All this training of a chiropractor gives them the hands-on training to perform the manipulations safely and learn many different ways to adjust each joint. Besides this training, your chiropractor took additional training on weekends, just to make sure he was well-equipped for any unusual cases. This involved a lot of dedication!

True. When a chiropractor has had four years of training plus an internship, the manipulations are safe. If chiropractic is not safe, you would not see it included in many health insurance programs.

At our office here in Somerville, all the following health insurance companies allow coverage for treatment by a chiropractor:

               • Aetna                                             • Harvard Pilgrim

               • BCBS                                            • First Seniority Freedom

               • Cigna                                             • Medicare

               • Commonwealth Indemnity / GIC • United Health Care (network)

               • Consolidated Insurance Plans       • Tufts

Studies show that manipulation performed by a chiropractor is superior to any medical and physiotherapy treatment for low back pain. And for decades, just about every chiropractor has been treating pregnant women, children, and those who have been injured in a car accident or on the job.

So if you're searching for safe, non-invasive pain relief, contact your Somerville chiropractors today!


Johnston, Janice. Spinal manipulation by chiropractors is safe. Canadian Family Physician, 1994, Vol. 40, p. 434.

Manga, P., Angus, D., Papdopoulos, C., and Swan, W. The effectiveness and cost effectiveness of chiropractic management of low back pain. Richmond Hill, Ontario: Kenilworth Publishing, 1993.

Meade, T.W., et al. Low back pain of mechanical origin: randomized comparison of chiropractic and hospital outpatient treatment. Brit Med Journal, 1990; 300: 1431-7.